3. Write a clear, concise Title with relevant keywords that reflect the content and grab readers' attention. Continue to write the Content of your article in the content box. You can format the font size and styles, and add videos and images as needed.
4. Add Tags to help categorize and organize articles, making it easier for readers to find related content and improving searchability within the platform. Indicate the start and end dates and times for both registration and the event itself.
5. Select the Event Mode by choosing whether it is online, physical, or hybrid.
Choose Online if the event will be conducted online and indicate the number of available seats and the URL. A passcode is optional.
Choose Physical if the event will be conducted in a physical setting. Indicate the number of available seats and provide the complete address or location of the event.
Choose Hybrid if the event will be conducted both online and in a physical setting simultaneously.
6. Add Target audience of your event. You may also provide additional specifics about the target audience as needed.
7. Make sure to review all the details provided before clicking Submit.
A notification bar will appear if you miss a required field; please update the field and click Submit again.
If you accidentally include a profanity word, the system will detect it, and the request will not proceed until the inappropriate word is removed and you try again.
8. As a site admin, you can approve your event immediately. Click the gear icon on the event you have just created, then select Approve Event. The page will refresh, and the event will become visible to portal users.
The initial status will be Pending Approval; once approved, it will be changed to Active and become visible on the portal.