Apply Jobs

Apply Jobs

Take the next step in your career with confidence—apply for jobs and open doors to new opportunities!

1. Login to the career portal with your registered email and password.

2. You will land on your dashboard upon successful login. Hover over Job Postings to expand the menu and click Search Jobs.

3.  You will see the jobs listing available which are registered and verified  by the site admin. Hover the cursor over the jobs listing. Click View Profile

4. You will see the job specifications and job requirements for the job selected. Click Apply Now to proceed.  

5. Choose the profile you want to submit, write your cover letter, then click Next. Review your profile, and click Apply Now to complete the application.
Reviewing your profile before submission ensures that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and tailored to the job you are applying for, increasing your chances of making a strong impression.

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