Jobseeker - View, Approve, or Reject

Jobseeker - View, Approve, or Reject

Update and review jobseeker registrations promptly to ensure swift approval, allowing jobseekers immediate access to the portal. Make sure to validate each registration to ensure data privacy and keep information secure.

1. Login to the career portal with your registered email and password.

2. You will land on your dashboard upon successful login. Hover over profile icon to expand the menu and click Manage Users, and then select Search Jobseekers.

3. You will land on the jobseekers list page. You can use the advanced filter to narrow your search, then click Apply Search.
Click Clear Search to revert to the default settings.

4. To view a jobseeker profile, hover over the profile you want to view, then click View Profile
Within the profile, you can send a message, download the jobseeker's resume, and add notes.

5. To approve a jobseeker registration, click the gear icon and select Approve Jobseeker.

6. To reject a jobseeker registration, click the gear icon, select Reject Jobseeker, and then click Proceed to Delete.

Always validate each registration to ensure data privacy and security, protecting sensitive information and maintaining compliance with privacy regulations.

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