Edit Account Information

Edit Account Information

Personalise your profile and provide additional details to showcase your individual professional brand. Account information can be customised by each user.

1. Login to the career portal with your registered email and password.

2. You will land on your dashboard upon successful login. Hover over the profile icon to expand the menu, then select your Profile Name.

2. Click the image icon to add or update your profile photo. Only JPG or PNG formats are accepted, with a maximum file size of 2MB.

3. You will see the information you provided during registration, review this information and make any necessary updates or corrections. 
Add a tagline describing yourself in one sentence with a maximum of 255 characters.

4. You may update your login password. Skip if not necessary. Click Submit to save all the changes. 

Ensure that the information, profile photo, and tagline you provide reflect a professional image that aligns with your role and the company's brand.

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