Create Account - Add Team Members

Create Account - Add Team Members

Manage team members to help oversee your account. Add your colleagues and assign appropriate access to ensure that assignments and responsibilities are covered and operations run smoothly.

1. Login to the career portal with your registered email and password.

2. You will land on your dashboard upon successful login. Click the edit icon or hover over the profile icon to expand the menu, then select Manage Employers.

3. You will be directed to the employer account page. Click Create Account to add a colleague to help manage your employer account.

4. To upload a profile photo, click the icon. Ensure the file is in JPG or PNG format and does not exceed 5MB.

5. Provide all the required information.

6. Select the appropriate Access Level
Two types of access levels:
Employer-Main: Has full access to all features on the platform without restrictions and can manage added employers.
Employer-Limited: Has full access to all features on the platform but cannot manage other employers.

7. Review all the information before clicking Submit

Update the employer account page regularly to ensure the security and accuracy of your company profile and information.


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