Once you log in, you will land on your dashboard. To begin your job search:
Hover over the Jobs menu to expand it. Click on Job Postings and select Search Jobs.
How do I search for specific jobs?
To search for jobs:
Enter a keyword in the search box or specify a location, then click Search.
Use the advanced filter icon to narrow your search by categories such as:
Educational level
Experience level
Job function
Employment type
After setting your preferences, click Apply Search.
Can I save my search for future use?
Yes, to save your search:
Click Save Search after applying your filters.
Provide a name for the search.
Click Save Search again to confirm.
How do I return to default settings?
If you want to reset your filters, click Clear Search to return to the default search settings.
How do I view my saved searches?
To access your saved searches:
Click the advanced filter icon.
Navigate to the Saved Search section.
Select the name of the saved search you wish to view.
The page will refresh to display the results for that saved search.
By following these steps, you can efficiently find job postings that match your qualifications and preferences.