Need to Know

Need to Know

Introduction to the Tracer Study

The Graduate Tracer Survey (GTS) collects data on graduates' college experiences, including skills learned, quality of instruction, and its impact on employability. This survey helps illuminate the relationship between educational experiences and labor market outcomes, guiding improvements in higher education.

Survey Instructions
  1. User Information: Provide basic details including contact information, civil status, gender, date of birth, and addresses.
  2. Educational Attainment: For baccalaureate degree graduates, add educational attainment by clicking "Add New Entry." Click "x" if not applicable.
  3. Professional Examinations: Include any professional examinations passed and click "Add New Entry." Click "x" if not applicable.
  4. Reasons for Courses/Degrees: Specify reasons for taking courses or pursuing degrees. If not applicable, select "Others, Please Specify" and choose relevant reasons.
  5. Training/Advanced Studies: Include any training or advanced studies completed after graduation and click "Add New Entry." Click "x" if not applicable.
  6. Employment Data: Provide employment details if currently employed. If "No" or "Never Employed," specify the reasons for not being employed yet.
  7. Submission Reminder: Once submitted, changes cannot be made. Review all information carefully before finalizing.

Importance of the Survey

The GTS is a critical tool for evaluating the performance of higher education institutions (PTs) and has become a requirement for accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). It is essential for the Self-Evaluation document required for submitting proposals through the Ministry of Education and Culture. By participating, you help ensure that educational programs are aligned with labor market needs, enhancing the relevance and quality of higher education.

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